As salamu allaiqum,
One of the most dangerous type of satans are the evil vampires, which are adept in doing black magic themselves. They harm a person in such a way that he keeps getting lustful thought all the time. Their magic is so potent that however hard aperson may try to abstain from illicit sex, but he ends up doing some sin for which he repents for the rest of his life. The victim also develops lustful feelings for hi s own mother and sisters. It is very difficult to protect oneself from these deadly vampires who set out to search for their targets after 12am and return to their hideouts before fajar. The magicians take the help of these vampires and the victim whom they target faces acute shortage of blood in their bodies because these evil vampires suck the blood of the victim. The victims get in a tough situation as on the one hand they keep getting lustful thoughts which does not let them concentrate even on namaz and they cannot do any work in a focused way too due to the recurring thoughts of watching porn or any obscenity while on the other hand they get physically weak due to blood loss. These vampires can effect such people the most who are nor religiously inclined. The magicians subjugate a huge group of these vampires to fulfill their desires.
1 Recurring thoughts of sex in ones mind.
2 An abnormal sex drive with an uncontrollable desire to have sex with just anybody.
3 Becoming shameless and impudent
4 Normal functioning of the brain getting blocked
5 Hatred for the Quran, Prophet Mohammad(SAW), as well as the azan
6 Thoughts of the sexual parts of the opposite sex even while offering namaz.
1 Since the evil vampires wear black clothes, so the victim should start wearing white clothes.
2 The victim should ignite incense sticks in his room and use pure itar with a fresh rose fragrance, as the vampires cannot tolerate such fragrances and escape, even if they have entered the victim’s room.
3 The victim should never miss the Fajar namaz because these vampires try their level best to dissuade the victims from offering the fajar namaz. So care should be taken that a person wakes up somehow with alarms and after the namaz ,Surah Baqarah should also be read.
4 Read Surah Imran after Zohar namaz.
5 Ayatal kursi should be read 133 times after Isha namaz and before sleeping the victim should read ‘la hol wala kuwata ila bila hil ali_ul azeem.
Inshallah, the evil vampire will leave the victims body after losing control over it due to this spell effects.
Asalam u Alakum,
I hope that you must be fine and enjoying good health and time,
We are strangers to each toher yet,but i read ur article in a site and thanks Allah O Rehman that some one is doing good job to guide people to get rid of magic.
I have similar problem btu my enemy is in front of me,he do hazri,s on geyarwein sharieef, n making fool people by saying that Hazarat Ghos is in that girl Data sb is in that Girl,i know he is using jin shyateen for that purpose, coz one of my own relation was his victim. that jin was expert in black magic n was playing with us for 9 months. no one was able conrtol him but that Amil who i discuss before was backing him and both were using each other for evil purpose, that shaytaan jin got his punishment n sent to hell.
But that so called peer sb (amil ) is now torturing that girl again for last 2 months. We personaly tried to control him but in vain, he comes in girl by hazraat and demanding parents to birng that girl to his place, which we are not doing in return he punish her by turtuing in use shyateen to threaten her.
I myself used some verses n mundras n suraas to control her jini.some time succeeded but next time failed. he is threast to her life now. she is almost broken. Please tell me some way to break that magic n make that girl so strong tht that Amil cant come in body or do magic on putlaas to torture her.
That amil goes to graveyard and do magic to putlaas to torture her.do magic on those parts of body which no nice muslim can touch. I think you understand my meaning. Please tell me how to get rid of him. he has his 4 daughter but proude make him blind, he torture that girl in eyes,back bone, chest till this time.
I am requesting you to please tel mw how to make his magic uneffective.? guide me help me plz.
Imran Shah.
Dear brother me and my wife have been suffering from black magic for 9years now. We have no children and have started going to a sheikh from egypt he charges allot of money but his ways are from the quran and sunnah. we have done cupping and he has done ruqeyah on me and my wife but the effect are on my wife. Just recently he went to haj and the effect have started again on my wife she feels that he shoulders and legs get realy heavy. it puts allot of strain on her and she suffers allot because of this. we have gone to meny in pakistan all say we have magic on us but we have found no cure. this person we go to he is good but since he has gone the effects have started again i dont know what to do. we feel mentaly drained because we have gone to great length but have not really been cleared frm the spell. dear brother my life is turning into a misery. I love my wife and cant see her bare pain. brother any information regarding this matter would be really helpfull as we are going through allot of pain and hardship. May allah bless you in you work and in the hear after. I will be waiting for your reply. Thankyou
A long time ago, almost 20 years, my mom met a "sheikh" who used to remove "jinn" from bodies.... He told her she needs treatment and she believed him. So my dad kept taking her there... until one day, my mom's family went to that sheikh and told him to curse my parent's marriage and divorce them; I don't know exactly how (my dad caught the sheikh on the streets and made him confess the truth later on).... He gave mom a bottle of water with an inversed page from the quran or something and told her to drink it, the next day she went crazy and changed...My parents didn't know about this, my mom thought this was part of getting rid of the jinn. So once she did this, my mom became another person and left my dad and hated him...It ruined all our lives.... now I feel we are all cursed. What can I do about this? I think I can find the sheikh...but is there a cure or something? Thank you....
Dear brother..
My question is about the evil vampires.I have been experienceing four of the symptoms of
being attacked by an evil vampire which you have given...No.1st 3rd,4th and 6th symptom...I have been experiencing it for the last 3-4 years..I am a teenager from kashmir...and the worst possible thing that I feel is that whatever I try to do...I am unable to concentrate..I am getting unsuccessful in every respect of my life.However I want to know that am i really being attacked by a vampire..You are an Aamil Alhamdulilah..I would have read the spell that you have recommended but I am not sure if I am really attacked by a vampire...please let me know if theres any zikr by virtue of which I can find out if I am attacked by a vampire..please pray for the hidayah of young muslims like myself...Wasalam
Assalam alaikkum,
This is shakir from India. I have read ur blog its very intresting and i try to call Mr. amel also in his mobile but tat was switched off. I wanna know something to u about ilaaj or i wanna talk to u about this thro or email or voice chat its very needy for me so pls help in this regard.
Asalaam wa Likem , I have a question about Jinn and Angels.
I am a reverted Muslim, Since i was young i have had some type of ESP, therefore I am sensitive to spirit activity. I can see shadows ,sense movements, sometimes I see shadow like people.
I have had experiences that were bad in another home with an ex wife, where she stated Jinn were scared of me as i recited alot in our home and also other experience of some kind of sleep insomnia attack. But i have always protected myself with ayat alkursi ,an naas, al falaq, etc.
So my question is : If i recite ayaat al kursi and an naas, and al falaq, but still there are some kind of spirits in my home that dance on a flamed candle or look like flying around or moving around a candle in some kind of shadow form, and some like shadow walking or creeping around slowly ,would this mean they are moomin Jinn or angels/?
Maybe you could shed some kind of light on this as you seem knowledgeable in this area.
Hy sir . i am a child of 15 years and i am totally disturbed from my life. i have everything but i don't have everything, nothing is going right with me and now i want to control jinnats through which i can make my life better so please tell me that how i can control jinnats at the age of 15.
" As you told in your blog that scary images will be seen " so will they be in real life or in dreams and sir i am soft hearted too !!! i want to control jin so please tell me the procedure which is easy for me .
Will be waiting for your reply very eagerly ,
Asalam o alikum my name is faiza and my problem is pain in stomach feel nausea, smelly farts,body head and shoulders feeling heavy,getting red spots on my body speacialy chest,difficulty in breathing and having chest pain,back ache or has pain in kidney,the one wishes or want to have sex,my face is terrible no attaraction on my face,face complection changes and become darker day by day etc.. pls tell me my problem and how to remove it pls tell me for the sake of Allah.. am too much fade up of it
Aslam Alaikum....Deal Amel my sister is having problems with pain in different parts of her body....this happerns every 2 3 months when she go to somewhere in field in village for you know laboring...and also when she visits marriage ceremonies. She says she have pain in neck pain in legs etc....Can you please do us favour by telling us is she possessed by any jinn or she lakes energy cause her eyes are very yellowish.please please inform me.....thank you
I am a average muslim. I have always keep faith in Allah's mercy but sometimes shaitan tries to break my faith but i never loses hope in Allah Taalah. From sometime i am suffering from health problems..i have gone to many doctors but nothing was found. I also have many bad dreams about jinns attacking me. Many a lot time i feels sleeps paralysis which makes me to recite Darood sharif. Plz help ur brother in Islam
Assalam alaikum Amil sab,
Today morning one of my friends relatives told me that me that my wife
is suffering from bad evil spirit, She is not allowing/willing to do any job successful, she is attracting males to do wrong things,She is their in her body from many years.. i dont know why it is happening with me like that i dont know what to do, whether it is true or fake Allah knows better, I did not went to any amil before, Please i want to know from you from your powers whether my wife is under
some bad evil spirit, bcoz you are trustworthy for me,,,Please for Allahs sake help me to know whether it is true or not, if it is true why she is conquered my wife's body & how to get rid of that bad evil spirit.. Please, Please help me...
You have solved so many people problems, please solve my problem i will be very thankful to you forever & may Allah Taala grant you success forever in life....eagerly waiting for our reply..Please give me your contact number also for future reference...
Allah Hafiz..
Dear brother, please help to break the evil spell done on my sister. She is going to get married on19th December. But since last 5 days she is under this evil spell very badly. Here are the symptoms.
She used to stand whole day and night and try to escape from home continuously.
She also urinate and feces out within clothes.
Earlier she had complaint of headache at regular period.
She was also under attack of such kind of evil 5 years back since then she has complain of severe headache.
Plz help me for sake of Allah. I will be highly grateful to you.
And please share your phone number.
I am looking for positive response from your side. Plz revert me ASAP.
My complete family is very very upset due to this.
my name is Faisal, living in uk. in our house
we (all family members) feel sounds of someone's jumping and playing
on the terrace, sometimes sounds of pulling a heavy four-legged object
on the terrace. we all are facing health problems in our house infact
me, my mother and my wife got stomach ache and also food poisoning
routinely, also we feel that some food is lost or finish from kitchen
on daily basis , my wife also feel some smoky smell in house some
we also consulted by few Aamils but still nothing happened, yesterday
i saw your blog and now i am requesting you with lots of hope to have
a quick and positive response to help us in this matter from you and
providing us a chance to thank you.
Thanks for your time and considconsideration.
hii amel,
my name is ashok
My father-in-law was diagnosed with brain tumor last year. we did all the surgery and the related medical practices. he was recovering well and his body was responding with the medicines.
But when we found him doing a lot of abnormal behavior, we thought of the other things like the supernatural things.
the things that you have described in your blog
i feel he is doing the same things, each and every thing you have mentioned in the blog is happening with him.
We contacted a lot of people who do such kind of exorcism, they also claimed that he was under spell of some jinn or khabees.
Our exorcist also told that the khabees/jinn who is inside him got under his control but later on he refused and ran away from exorcist. The jinn demands sexual favours and obscenity. My father in law urinates on the bed and when we take him to toilet he makes his body stiff and defecates out of the toilet. some times he defecates out in the porch also.
We are unable to get rid of him. When we take him to any mazaar the jinn runs away from him and later on he comes back and controls his body.
I feel after reading your blog that you will be having some cure for this jinn and for his control. if you find time please reply and give us some solution to get rid of this evil khabees. Our life has become like hell and we are having no solution for this, only you can help us out of this problem
thanking you. Waiting for your reply
Assalamo alaikum
Respected sir
Please tell me if their is an easy rohani cure for the mental disorder
of obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd). In this disorder a person has
different dillusions and different numbers which goes on in his mind
and usually takes much time in ghusal etc.
my name is m iqbal. i am suffering from evil
dreams sir guide me how can rid of these dream.
when i go to bed i read allhamdo shareef ayatal
kursi and four qul but i am not completly not rid of evil dream such
as night fall.
Assalaamu Alaykum warahmatullah.
My name, Abdul Rasheed .I was afflicted with a jinn. i went out of the home to dispose garbage, around midnight. This happened in Colombo Sri Lanka. When I was very young. My father was not able to find a muslim person to do Ruqya. Someone suggested him a person who slaughtered a live hen, and did some magic. I have lots of problems in my life. I am filled with anger,hate, violence, depression,bad character. I am alone now, My wife asked for divorce from me. I am separated from my three little children for 5 years now.
I can't hold on to a job for too long. No progress in my life.
I like to know if I will be reunited with my children.
Sallamualaikum brother Amel,
I want to start by thank you very much for putting up such a wonderful package of information about issues concerning Jinns that's bothering thousands of people around the World. Your website is one of most comprehensive in the whole world that talks about jinns in accordance with Islamic laws, My Allah reward you abundantly in this World and hereafter. This is what Jihad is all about, educating people about evil and how to get protected according to the teaching of Islam. Jazakallahu Khair.
After reading the information on your website I realized how serious my problems are, as you stated my problems goes and returns, and the sexual desire and lust even during prayer, watching porn, getting angry, mood changes, weird thoughts and dreams, lost of money and property, lost of friends and family members, lack of concentration even though I was the best in school and divorce. These are some of the problems I have been facing for the last 12 years, I have tried Alhamdullilah but I NEED HELP PLEASE. Brother Amel please advice me on what next to do.
May Allah grad you all your wishes and chose the best for us
app k wazifa se din(day) ka masla tu hal hogiya hy lakin jab soney k bad raat ko 11 se 3 bajay tuk kisi waqat b jinn aa jata hy sotey ma muth (hand practice) lagwata hy koi fahash ya bura khiyal b nhi atta. or kamzori bht ho jati hy. abi ma unmarried hon. pait or bazzo pr 2 red spot hein. taqreban 0.5 inch kay red circle hon gain. kabi zakham ki trah theek ho jaty hein. or ye problem mjay 4 ya 5 saal ki age se hey. job ma bht chota tha. kia ye koi taweez ka masla hy ya koi or problem hy.? app ki 6 symptoms mere ander puri hein. ma ne uss cheez ki shakal 2 martaba b dekhi hy.
I read your article about jinn devil and suffering from that . It jumps all over my body and crawls and lives in my body. it commands it will bring cash or whatever, it is not bringing to us, but give it to the witchman. my soul attached with the jinn. witchman and jinn keep on disturb me. could you help to cleanse from jinn.iam in india come to pakistan
As salam walakum
Den brother can you help me i have a problem and it has been with me sins my birth it have to do with a female jinn or some one doing magic on me. i have the fear of death all the time and i have been having this for some time now and i don't know what to do
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